How to prevent new wrinkles with anti-wrinkle injections

how to prevent wrinkles with anti-wrinkle blog post

Anti-wrinkle injections have long been used to smoothen and disguise signs of ageing on our skin, working to lessen fine lines and wrinkles that have already become a permanent feature of the face. However, more and more people are discovering that anti-wrinkle injections can be used to prevent these wrinkles from forming. Today, we are explaining how these treatments can keep you looking young and fresh for longer.

Dynamic vs static wrinkles

Something you may not know is that there are different types of wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are lines that are formed by the movement of certain facial muscles or habitual movement. This wrinkles are generally only visible when these muscles are contracting such as crow’s feet when we squint or frown lines when we frown. Static wrinkles are lines that have become permanently visible on the face. Dynamic wrinkles will all become static due to the combination of the repeated facial movements and reduced collagen production.

Anti-wrinkle treatments to prevent wrinkles

Many people have turned to anti-wrinkle injections to take care of deep facial lines. However, not as many know that these treatments can be used to slow down the effects of skin ageing.

Anti-wrinkle treatments work by injecting muscle relaxants into the treatment area. This product works to prevent the muscles treated from contracting which smoothens out the skin and wrinkles in the area.

However, when administered before wrinkles have become static, this exact treatment can reduce the formation of dynamic wrinkles. By preventing these muscles from contracting, new wrinkles no longer form when our face is moving such as squinting or laughing. By preventing our face from forming dynamic wrinkles, the effects of this repeated movements is stopped, and these wrinkles do not become static wrinkles.

Interested in finding out more about anti-wrinkle treatments? Book a free consultation today in London or Liverpool.