Wrinkles: when to expect them and what you can do?

Wrinkles and fine lines are something we are all aware of as we get older. Even though wrinkles are commonly associated with older people, but signs of ageing begin as young as our 20s, as a number of factors, such as genetics, smoking, sun damage and facial expressions begin to affect our skin. Today, we are going to take you through what to expect and what you can do to tackle signs of aging.

When do wrinkles begin to form?

In your 20s…

Wrinkles and fine lines begin to form and can start to become permanent in our 20s. The wrinkle we see in our 20s tend to be caused by repeated facial expressions and movements, such as horizontal forehead lines which form when we raise our eyebrows, creasing the skin on our forehead. Although you can’t simply stop expressing emotions, many young people are now taking preventative measures to help slow down our skin’s natural aging process. Forehead Line Treatment with muscle relaxants can help prevent the formation these wrinkles by stopping the muscles in our forehead from contracting.

In your 30s…

With a new decade of our lives, come new wrinkles. In our 30s, we begin to see the damage from environmental factors like sun. Crow’s Feet, which are small lines which form along the side of our eyes, and Frown Lines, which are lines that form in the space between our eyebrows, are a common sign of aging that we see begin to form in our 30s. These lines can be indicative that the skin has begun to lose its natural elasticity and can be the perfect time to begin treating the skin with muscle relaxants as a preventative measure.

In your 40s…

In your 40s, lines that began to form in previous years become much deeper and more noticeable as our skin loses elasticity and can no longer bounce back on its own. Forehead Lines and Frown Lines, as well as other wrinkles such as Crow’s Feet, become permanent features of your face, even when the face is relaxed. While anti-wrinkle treatments can be used as preventative measures in our younger years, they can provide a dual purpose as we get older. While they can continue to prevent the formation of new lines, anti-wrinkle treatments can also smoothen and lessen the visibility of lines which have already formed on the face.

In your 50s…

While lines around the mouth can appear earlier, they are a common marker of our 50s. These lines include Nasolabial Folds, which are lines from the corners of our mouth to our nose, and Marionette Lines, which extend from the corners of our mouth down to the chin. Our face such as the cheeks begin to lose volume as we age, which causes our skin to sag and droop. Wrinkles around the mouth are generally a result of laughing, talking and just living life in general. These lines can be easily tackled with dermal fillers. Dermal fillers can re-introduce volume into the areas, tightening the skin and smoothening the lines.

Interested in tackling the signs of the aging? Book a consultation with our M1 Doctors today!