Is Tear Trough Filler for You?

Is Tear Trough Filler for You?

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

1. Tear Trough Filler – Yes or No?

We all know the dread of looking in the mirror in the morning. Though we wish for radiance, we are often faced with dark shadows, deep circles and swollen eyelids. But where does this come from and why does it affect some more than others?

2. The causes of a Tear Troughs

If you look closely, it’s easy to see the skin around the eyes appears thinner and more sensitive than in other areas of the face. The reason for this is the sparse subcutaneous fatty tissue, which decreases more and more as we age. The result of this lost volume is an increasingly sunken tear trough area.

The assumption that only older people are affected by a visible tear trough is invalid. In fact, a tear trough can become pronounced and permanently visible as early as the mid-20s.

3. Tear Trough Treatment – what to expect

The basic goal of Tear Trough filler is to add volume to the sunken tear trough area. To achieve this, hyaluronic acid or dermal filler is injected precisely into the under-eye area and placed along the tear trough area. The dermal filler compensates for the lack of volume and provides a plumped and rejuvenated under eye.

4. Myths about Tear Trough Filler

Many people believe that a tear trough filler can also be used to conceal dark circles under the eyes. The fact is, however, that although the dermal filler injected during a Tear Trough Treatment plumps up the skin and can minimize the appearance of dark under-eye shadows, it does not primarily contribute to their elimination. Severe bags under the eyes can also benefit from the treatment, but more effective treatment options exist to minimize them.

All about tear trough filler treatment